Teacher Carlos Tellez Contreras

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Muchas gracias a todos por el interés mostrado en la realización de los trabajos y por contestar los exámenes virtuales. Gracias a las personas que enviaron sus actividades y a los que no los pudieron enviar también. A los alumnos que no pudieron por cuestiones personales, no se preocupen el esfuerzo que realizaron al largo del ciclo escolar es reconocido y será valorado. En el periodo de regularización o iniciando clases regulares les puedo revisar para retroalimentar su trabajo. Nunca dejen de luchar por sus sueños, siempre sigan adelante y nunca se rindan y no olviden que cada esfuerzo o trabajo que realizan tarde o temprano tiene frutos y cada quien lucha por lo que quiero. Espero verlos muy pronto. Y nuevamente muchas gracias y cuídense mucho para que estén bien ustedes y su familia.


Bueno días, buenas tardes en este periodo de contingencia a causa del COVID-19 se estará trabajando tomando en cuenta la forma de evaluar que se les dio la cual es:
Project 7.- Infografía o poster de como funciona una maquina o aparato (23 de Marzo) ……………………………….20%
Project 8.- Cuadro comparativo sobre la cultura de México y un país donde se hable ingles (6 de Mayo) ……………..20%
Project 9.- Queja.- elaborar un dialogo sobre la queja de un producto o servicio (1 de Junio) ……………....……..20%
Project 10.- Mesa redonda donde se tendrá que opinar sobre un tema de interés (29 de Junio) ………………….……. 20%
Exámenes. - por cada proyecto se esta aplicando un examen virtual sobre el mismo …………………...........................…..20%
El proyecto 7 se trabajo en el periodo de clase por lo que en la primera semana por lo que en la semana del 23 de marzo fue para envió de trabajos. Para el resto de los proyectos se han estado colocando las indicaciones y el material de apoyo necesarios para la elaboración de los proyectos tomando en cuenta las necesidades y las características de los alumnos. Los trabajos se podrán ir revisando a través de mi correo electrónico y su entrega final se realizará en el portafolio de evidencias que se les pidió a inicio de ciclo escolar y se entregara regresando a clases.  En cada una de las semanas de entrega que este marcado cada proyecto se contestara un examen virtual el cual se tendrán 2 oportunidades para contestarlo tomando en cuenta la calificación más alta, inmediatamente después de su envío se colocara el puntaje asignado.

 Espero que todos tengan mucha salud y cuídense para pronto volver a vernos y trabajar juntos, y no olviden que cualquier duda o apoyo referente a la asignatura o el uso de la tecnología que requieran aquí estoy para servirles en lo medida de lo posible.

Nota: Cuando envies tus proyectos finales no olvides colocar en asunto tus datos personales de la siguiente manera:

"Grado" + "grupo" + "Turno" + "apellido paterno" "Apellido materno" "nombre" + "nombre del proyecto"
Proyecto 9

Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje
• Familiar y comunitario
Actividad comunicativa
• Intercambios asociados al entorno
Práctica social del lenguaje
•          Expresa quejas sobre un producto.
Aprendizajes esperados
•          Escucha y revisa quejas sobre productos.
•          Interpreta sentido general, ideas principales y detalles de quejas.
•          Compone quejas orales.
Producto final

1.- Contestar los ejercicios de las siguientes páginas del libro de texto apoyándote de los audios y diálogos que se encuentran en la parte de abajo. (en caso de no contar con libro oprime obreeste texto para ver descargar las páginas del proyecto 9).
2.- Imprimir o copiar en el cuaderno el vocabulario para la elaboración de la queja sobre un producto o servicio.
3.- Escribir un dialogo sobre la queja de un producto o servicio usando el vocabulario que se proporcionó y apoyándote de los diálogos que vienen en la parte de abajo.
4.- Grabar la queja apoyándote de un familiar y enviarla por correo junto con el dialogo por escrito. (o presentar regresando a clases).
Nota: La importancia de los ejercicios del libro es para ayudarte con vocabulario, pronunciación y enunciación de los diálogos. Se harán revisiones y correcciones a través del correo y la elaboración de todas las actividades es para realizar entre el 11 de Mayo y 29 de Mayo)
Ejercicio 2 y 3 Pag. 121
Ejercicio 4,5 6 Pag. 122  Track 30
Ejercicio 7 Pag. 123  Track 31
Ejercicio 8 Pag. 123  Track 32
Ejercicio 2 Pag. 125  Track 33
Ejercicio 3 Pag. 125  Track 34
Ejercicio 7 Pag. 126  Track 35
Ejercicio 3 Pag. 130  Track 36

Track 30
SALES CLERK:  Good afternoon. May I help you?
MAN:  Yes. I bought this cell phone here two days ago but the battery is no working properly. I’d like a replacement.
SALES CLERK:  We can’t replace your cellphone; you can buy a new battery at the service center.
MAN:  This is ridiculous! I want to speak to the manager, right now!

MAN:  Good evening. Pizza Kingdom. How can I help?
WOMAN:  Hi. I’m not happy with the pizza you delivered. I want to make a complaint.
MAN:  Ok. What’s your complaint about?
WOMAN:  I ordered a pizza with olive topping, and there’s not topping at all. I only has tomato sauce.
MAN:  We’re very sorry about that. What’s your name and address, please? We’ll send you another pizza right away.
WOMAN:  Thank you. It’s…


Track 31
Ø  This is a very low-quality product!
Ø  Thank you, that’s very nice of you.
Ø  I’m not leaving until I get my money back.
Ø  Sorry, we’ll find a solution right now.
Ø  Don’t worry, we can get you another one.
Ø  This is absurd! You recommended this product.
Ø  I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

Track 32
MARK:  Good morning. I bought this shirt some days ago, but when I washed it, the color changed. Could I get a refund, please?
WOMAN:  I’m afraid that’s not possible, but we can exchange it for another one.
MAN:  Thanks. That’s kind of you.

WOMAN:  Good afternoon. I got this CD here, but it skips. I would like to exchange it.
YOUNG MAN:  We don’t exchange CDs once they are open.
WOMAN:  This is nonsense. I demand to speak to the person in charge!

Track 33
SALESWOMAN:  Good morning. May I help you?
MARK:  Yes, please. I bought this camera two days ago and the flash doesn’t work. I feel very disappointed. I would like to replace it, please.
SALESWOMAN:  We don’t replace products. Here’s the address of the service center.
MARK:  I don’t want my camera to be fixed. It’s new. I want another one!
SALESWOMAN:  You probably broke the flash.
MARK:  What? Are you saying it is my fault? I’m going to make a formal complaint.
Good-bye! And thanks for nothing!

Track 34
SALES ATTENDANT:  Can I help you?
CLAIRE:  Yes, please. I bought these jeans for my son, but they are too small. Do you have them in a larger size?
SALES ATTENDANT:  Let me check. (PAUSA) I’m afraid they have sold out.
CLAIRE:  Oh, what a shame! Then I would like a refund, please.
SALES ATTENDANT:  I’m sorry. We don’t give refunds if the items are on sale. But you can exchange them for something else or we can give you a credit note.
CLAIRE:  OK. I’ll take a credit note.
SALES ATTENDANT:  It’s valid for six months.
CLAIRE:  Oh, that’s very good. Thank you.

Track 35
AGENT:  Good morning. Customer service. How can I help you?
STEVE:  Good morning. I’m calling to make a complaint about a book I bought. It arrived this morning, and the cover is scratched. I’d like a free replacement.
AGENT:  Of course, sir. Please, tell me your name, and your order number.
STEVE:  Sure. It’s Steve Harris and the order number is 2443798.
AGENT:  OK. Please, send us the book back, and tomorrow you’ll receive a new one. My apologies for this inconvenience.
STEVE:  Thanks for your help!

AGENT:  Good morning. Customer service. How can I help you?
AMY:   I’m afraid there’s a problem with a bag I bought. I ordered a blue bag and you sent me an orange one. I’d like to replace it.
AGENT:  Let me check…Miss, I’m afraid we don’t have any blue bags left.
AMY:  Well, then I’d like a full refund.
AGENT:  Certainly. I’m very sorry about this mistake. Send us the bag back and we’ll reimburse your money.
AMY:  Thank you very much.

Track 36
AGENT:  Good morning. Customer Service. Can I help you?
JASON:  Yes, please. I bought a Rainbow coffee maker Model C342, but there seems to be a problem with it. I wonder if you could help me. I feel disappointed… I
can’t use it.
AGENT:  Mm…What do you mean?
JASON:  What I mean is…I don’t know exactly the name, but I can’t slide ou the piece where the filter goes, so I can’t put coffee inside. I tried to pull it out, but I’m afraid of breaking it if I use too much force.
AGENT:  Oh, I see…the filter holder. The paper filter goes inside the filter basket and the basket goes in the filter holder. Is that the one you can’t slide out?
JASON:  Yes, precisely. It seems to be stuck.
AGENT:  Oh, sorry about that.
JASON:  What should I do?
AGENT:  Bring your coffee maker to our Service Center. If the problem canno be solved, you will get a free replacement.
JASON:  Oh, that’s great. Thank you for your help.

Proyecto de Indagación

Ejes (ámbitos)
Familiar y comunitario
Compara la misma noticia en varias publicaciones periodísticas
Aprendizajes esperados
  •  Revisa noticias periodísticas
  • Lee noticias periodísticas
  • Contrasta una noticia en varios periódicos

Desarrollar un proyecto de indagación elaborando un cuadro comparativo sobre la COVID-19 que les ayude a saber en qué consiste, cómo afecta la salud humana y qué pueden hacer para protegerse y cuidar la salud de los demás. Y así comprender la importancia de las medidas establecidas para contener el virus.

Proyecto 8

Ambientes sociales de aprendizaje
Lúdico y Literario

Actividad comunicativa
Comprensión del yo y del otro

Práctica social del lenguaje
Lee ensayos literarios breves para contrastar aspectos culturales.

Aprendizajes esperados

  • Revisa ensayos literarios breves.
  • Lee y comprende sentido general, ideas principales y detalles de ensayos literarios.
  • Describe y compara aspectos culturales.

Producto final
Tabla comparativa.


1.- Observar los vídeos y leer las lecturas que se encuentran en la parte de abajo.
2.- Anotar en el cuaderno un mínimo 20 oraciones sobre los aspectos que se mencionan en los vídeos y en las lecturas (se pueden utilizar otras fuentes si se considera necesario).
3.- Hacer un cuadro comparativo comparando las oraciones anteriores con lo que se hace en México.
4.- Traducir las oraciones anteriores apoyándose de los video tutoriales que se colocaran en el blog dando la explicación de los tiempos gramaticales.
5.- Realizan el cuadro comparativo final en ingles ilustrando cada una de las oraciones que se elaboraron, puede se a mano o a computadora, si este ultimo fuera el caso se coloco un video tutorial explicando paso a paso como elaborarlo.
6.- Contestar el examen virtual que se encuentra en el mismo blog relacionado con lo que se esta viendo en el presente proyecto, cuando terminen de contestarlo se dará el puntaje obtenido, tienen dos oportunidades para contestarlo tomándose en cuenta el puntaje más alto.


Comparative chart tutorial

Como traducir vídeos

This is Britain - School

This is Britain - Hallowen

Christmas in Britain

London transport

The Education System in the UK

In this text you will find general information on the education system in the UK. As there are separate education systems in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the actual ages etc. might vary a little.
School in the UK is compulsory between the ages of five and sixteen. Children younger than five can go to a toddler group (accompanied by a parent), playgroup or nursery school.
Compulsory schooling begins at the age of five. Pupils first attend primary school, which lasts for six years. Often primary school in the UK is divided into infant school (the first two years) and junior school (the following 4 years).
After primary school, students go to secondary school until they are sixteen (practical emphasis) or 18 (secondary school with 6th form - academic emphasis).
The school year consists of three terms. Students have about 12-13 weeks of holiday per school year.
< 5
Nursery school
Primary school

Infant school
Junior school
Secondary school with 6th form

      Secondary school
6th form college
When students in the UK say what year they are in, they usually use cardinal numbers, e. g. ‘year ten’. (In the USA, students would use ordinal numbers, e. g. ‘tenth grade’.)
At primary school, classes run Monday to Friday from about 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. There are usually between 25 and 35 pupils in one class. They primarily learn how to read, write and count. They also learn something about their country and about religion and they begin to study their first foreign language.
At secondary school, classes also run Monday to Friday, but are usually from about 8.45 to 3.30. Typical mandatory subjects are English, maths, natural sciences (biology, physics, chemistry), modern languages (French, German, Spanish), religion, citizenship, physical education, information and communication technology, geography and history. Apart from these, schools also offer optional courses from which their students can choose. At the age of sixteen, students usually sit several exams and decide whether they want to leave school or continue in a 6th form college.
Gifted and talented students can choose to enter for examinations early (one year or several terms) and then take additional courses in these or other subjects.
Grading Scale
In the UK (as in other English speaking countries) letter grades are used in reports.
§  A > 80% (excellent)
§  B > 70% (very good)
§  C > 60% (improvement needed)
§  D > 50% (close fail)
§  E > 40% (fail)
§  F < 40% (fail)
In general, only grades A to C are a 'pass'. Still, in the UK no student has to repeat a year – weak students can take extra lessons at school.

Different Kinds of Schools

Most students in the UK are enrolled in state funded schools. These are financed through taxes, so parents do not have to pay for their children's education. But there are also numerous private schools, also known as independent schools, where education is not free of charge.
Students can choose to attend a co-educational school or a single sex school.
School Uniforms
It is common for students in the UK to wear school uniforms. They consist of:
§  blazer or sweater with school logo
§  shirt and tie or polo shirt / t-shirt
§  dark trousers or dark skirt
§  black shoes

At some schools, students are required to wear a shirt and a tie, other schools only require a t-shirt or sweater. The colour of the uniform also depends on the school – blazer, sweater, trousers and skirt are usually blue, grey, green or brown.

Christmas and the New Year 
in Britain 

There are lots of Christmas and New Year traditions in Britain. For example...
London's Christmas decorations. Every year the people of Norway give the city of London a present… It's a big Christmas tree and it stands in Trafalgar Square. Also in central London, Oxford Street and Regent Street always have beautiful decorations at Christmas. Thousands of people come to look at them.
Cards, trees and mistletoe.  In 1846 the first Christmas cards began in Britain. That was five years after the first Christmas tree. Queen Victoria's husband, Prince Albert, brought this German tradition (he was German) to Britain. He and the Queen had a Christmas tree at Windsor Castle in 1841. A few years after, nearly every house in Britain had one.
Traditionally people decorate their trees on Christmas Eve - that's December 24th. They take down the decorations twelve days later, on Twelfth Night (January 5th).
An older tradition is Christmas mistletoe. People put a piece of this green plant with its white berries over a door. Mistletoe brings good luck, people say. Also, at Christmas British people kiss their friends and family under the mistletoe.
Carols. Before Christmas, groups of singers go from house to house. They collect money and sing traditional Christmas songs or carols. There are a lot of very popular British Christmas carols. Three famous ones are:
"Good King Wenceslas", "The Holly and The Ivy" and "We Three Kings".
Christmas Eve. British children don't open their presents on December 24th. Father Christmas brings their presents in the night. Then they open them on the morning of the 25th.
There's another name for Father Christmas in Britain - Santa Claus. That comes from the European name for him - Saint Nicholas. In the traditional story he lives at the North Pole. But now he lives in big shops in towns and cities all over Britain. Well, that's where children see him in November and December. Then on Christmas Eve he visits every house. He climbs down the chimney and leaves lots of presents. Some people leave something for him, too. A glass of wine and some biscuits, for example.
Christmas Day. In Britain the most important meal on December 25th is Christmas dinner. Nearly all Christmas food is traditional, but a lot of the traditions are not very old. For example, there were no turkeys in Britain before 1800. And even in the nineteenth century, goose was the traditional meat at Christmas. But not now.
A twentieth-century British Christmas dinner is roast turkey with carrots, potatoes, peas, Brussels sprouts and gravy. There are sausages and bacon too. Then, after the turkey, there's Christmas pudding. You can read about that in the chapter on food.
Crackers are also usual at Christmas dinner. These came to Britain from China in the nineteenth century. Two people pull a cracker. Usually there's a small toy in the middle. Often there's a joke on a piece of paper, too. Most of the jokes in Christmas crackers are not very good. Here's an example:
CUSTOMER: Waiter, there's a frog in my soup.
WAITER: Yes, sir, the fly's on holiday.
Boxing Day. December 26th is Boxing Day. Traditionally boys from the shops in each town asked for money at Christmas. They went from house to house on December 26th and took boxes made of wood with them. At each house people gave them money. This was a Christmas present. So the name of December 26th doesn't come from the sport of boxing - it comes from the boys' wooden boxes. Now, Boxing Day is an extra holiday after Christmas Day.
First Footing.  In Scotland the name for New Year's Eve is Hogmanay. After midnight people visit their friends. And they take a present - a piece of coal. Why? Because traditionally the first visitor of the year must carry coal into the house. This is "first footing". It brings good luck. It also helps to make a fire in the middle of winter.
New Year Resolutions. What are your worst faults? Do you want to change them? In Britain a lot of people make New Year Resolutions on the evening of December 31st. For example, "I'll get up early every morning next year." or ''I'll clean my shoes every day.'' But there's a problem. Most people forget their New Year Resolutions on January 2nd.
Now here's a modern royal custom. On Christmas Day at 3.00 in the afternoon the Queen makes a speech on radio and TV. It's ten minutes long. In it she talks to the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth is a large group of countries. In the past they were all in the British Empire. Australia, India, Canada and New Zealand are among the 49 members.
The B.B.C. (the British Broadcasting Corporation) sends the Queen's speech to every Commonwealth country. In her speech the Queen talks about the past year. Traditionally in speeches, kings or queens say “we” not “I”. Queen Elizabeth II doesn't do this. She says “My husband and I” or just 'I''.
The Queen doesn't make her speech on Christmas Day. She films it a few weeks before. Then she spends Christmas with her family at Windsor. Does she watch the speech on TV? Nobody knows.

Let´s celebrate halloween

Hi to you all, My name is Daniel and I am an 11 year old American boy living in Detroit.          Ha, ha ,ha!!  I know what you think, Hallowe’en is coming and you want to get ready to celebrate, so do I. Yes, it’s a night of ghosts and witches, of costumes and fun, but in the beginning……Let’s start with a bit of history and culture!.
People called Druids celebrated the autumn harvest and the end of the fertility of the soil. They believed that spirits of the fruit and vegetables, witches and ghosts visited the Earth at the end  of October. Then people celebrated «  All Hallows E’en  » now called Hallowe’en on October 31st. It is also the eve of All Saints day when people commemorate their dead relatives. This was a belief that Irish people brought with them when they migrated to the USA. And several centuries later this tradition crossed the Atlantic again!!
Today, most children don’t believe in witches or ghosts .But they like to have Hallowe’en parties. They put on costumes, make Jack o’ lanterns from pumpkins and bob for apples( catch apples from a big bowl with their mouths). But what they like most is going from house to house saying «  Trick or treat ». People must give children a « treat »- meaning sweets in most cases, if they don’t, they may have tricks played on them like eggs on their doors, or toilet paper  decorating their gardens. Moreover, adults can have the opportunity to go to fancy dress parties organized in discos or restaurants.
Everyone loves to have fun, especially   on Hallowe’en day!!!
So believe me, I am carving pumpkins with some of my friends today, yesterday I went to buy  a vampire costume, it’s just great!! My false teeth are so real!  My parents have bought plenty of sweets and candies in case other children come to visit. Tomorrow is October 31st and we have planned to meet in the square in the middle of our residence and we’ll go from house to house, trick or treating of course. I hope I’ll get as many sweets as last year, or even more!


  1. maestro buen dia, esta actividad tambien sera la el 2do. grado grupo c ????

    1. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
